Which is better lateral or vertical bi-amping?

Once again it swirls around my head-if I have a an amp with a mono conversion switch,power and headroom aside, am I better off feeding one amp to the hi-frequency and low frequency drivers or running the amps vertically.I know that when you lateraly bi-amp you get 150% of the power of the two amps i.e. two 100 watts would mean a delivery of 150 watts whereas many amps that convert to mono will double in power.But I am under the impression that sonicaly lateral is better as you simply get better results where the amp is dedicated to a narower set of frequencies.True?
I have heard that vertically (each amp feeds the low and high of one channel) makes more sense, since there will be more headroom than if one amp handles just the low frequencies. On a deep bass note, in a horizontal arrangement, the bass amp will be driven hard, where the mid/tweater amp will be "loafing". Of course, many people will use a S.S./tube bi-amp configuration. Naturally, a horzontal arrangement (tubes on the tweaters) is used!
Listen to your system both ways and see which sounds the best. I'm assuming both amps are identical from your comments.
It seems that a lateral configuration would minimize any character differences in your amps from the right to left channel. This should not be a problem with high quality same model amps but something to consider.