Have you ever deceived your wife-audio purchase

This could lead to a hysterical thread. How many audiophiles have come home with an expensive amp/preamp/and told their wife they bought it for practically nothing? Only to have paid 3-4K they had in their private stash? How many audiophiles have secretly installed a new "toy" in their audio system thinking their wife wouldn't notice. My old girlfriend thought anything beyond a boombox was excessive. Whenever I would upgrade my system,I would come up with some far fetched tale(lie) Would love to hear your story.......
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Decorating? I came home from a business trip and sensed there was something different about my surroundings, just couldn't put my finger on it. Rather than dwell on it I let it go, mine is not to reason why. After three weeks she got pissed at me and pointed out the "obvious"; she had changed the bathroom from a purplish motif to green and I hadn't commented. Why would I comment, I honestly didn't notice the change. To give myself some credit I suspected something was different but just couldn't quite narrow down what she had tweaked. I was pretty sure there wasn't a new man in her bed, I glanced in that direction when I loaded a new CD in my Linn Classik (bedroom system) before work. No one commented on my Collective Soul selection, so I'm pretty sure there was no one there. What does she expect, I had a fresh batch of vinyl that needed cleaning and listening to! I can't be expected to flitter around the house like I'm on Trading Spaces remarking on what "central theme brought the room together". A man has to have his priorities...
I didn't lie when i bought new toys.
But,i did lie when i sold them....he he he
All deliveries sent to my office, all audio dealer calls to my cell phone.
Honey, I swear it's the same amp we've always had.
Whew - I thought I was the only guy on the sly out here. Currently involved in a transaction in which I requested the seller to change the subject heading of our emails from the name of the preamp to "Free Tax Info" - I knew she wouldn't open that one! And of course to be delivered to another address and snuck onto the rack at some opportune time. Thanks, I feel better...
