Have you ever deceived your wife-audio purchase

This could lead to a hysterical thread. How many audiophiles have come home with an expensive amp/preamp/and told their wife they bought it for practically nothing? Only to have paid 3-4K they had in their private stash? How many audiophiles have secretly installed a new "toy" in their audio system thinking their wife wouldn't notice. My old girlfriend thought anything beyond a boombox was excessive. Whenever I would upgrade my system,I would come up with some far fetched tale(lie) Would love to hear your story.......
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Yes. But I explained that i am in training for the CIA and that in order to qualify, I had to learn the art of shipping and receiving on the sly. The defense department sends me money, and I must not leave a paper trail as to how it is spent. As a trainee, we are allowed to spend this $ any way we like, but we cannot reveal cost, unfortunately, to ANYBODY. So I have decided to delve into the world of "stereos", and names which have initials are more in line with secret agents, i.e., CIA, BAT, AMP, PREAMP. etc. So if on ocassion, she sees a big heavy box being delivered by the UPS guy, don't touch it, and please don't ask about it, because I may have to k...
Only money orders and cashiers checks. Seperate secret agent room preferable for setting up items. Must spend hours of intense studying and listening to all equipment.
It's tough, for one who "lives the life of danger."
After 22 years of marriage you get to experiment with different techniques. I did go down the road of deceit. That path is a big mistake since she pays the bills. My new method is to put aside some funds that come into me directly (business expense pay backs, bonuses or getting a little extra "gas" money when I hit the cash machine). Once I get some funds saved up, I couple that with a sale of the existing component I want to replace. I have been able to re-build my system by using this site for savings. How could she refuse the "Look how much I saved" comment by buying demo or used equipment. (She has used that one on me for years). She has been a great sport indulging my habit.
Not married but I have to comment. I've never laughed so hard at some of these. I will agree though, as it applies to so many other things...make sure she is 'into it'. This has to be one of the most effective stress-free routes to go. The bogus receipts? I started with that one while in high school, in my early teens and my mother was watching me spend every penny I made on audio gear. I love this hobby, good group of people here too, I have never learned so much and laughed as much, thanks.
Goose is onto something. Research has indeed proven that when selling to men, you sell on quality or return on investment. When you sell to women, approach from the aspect of "how much it's discounted" and "what a bargain" it is. Anyway, I don't tell if I don't think she will notice such as cables and accessories. With bigger things, I rat hole money and then lie about what it really costs and brag on what a bargain it was used. Then she will eventually want something like a piece of jewelry or something comparable in price and I keep my mouth shut.
Gogamecocks I have been down the jewelry path. However, I was able to tie that purchase with an anniversary event. Most guys really aren't into anniversary or birthday gifts for ourselves. If we want it we just buy it. I did build up some credit points by buying an expensive necklace for our anniversary. Of course for myself I didn't want a gift. She felt so guilty that I was able to re-build my system without a lot of resistance. Also, one of her comments is that she really can't tell the difference with the upgrades. I think it's because she doesn't take the time to be a critical listener. I did have somewhat of a breakthrough over the weekend. My system is down because my preamp is being upgraded. She really missed not having music in the house and the boom box just didn't cut it......there is hope!