Have you ever deceived your wife-audio purchase

This could lead to a hysterical thread. How many audiophiles have come home with an expensive amp/preamp/and told their wife they bought it for practically nothing? Only to have paid 3-4K they had in their private stash? How many audiophiles have secretly installed a new "toy" in their audio system thinking their wife wouldn't notice. My old girlfriend thought anything beyond a boombox was excessive. Whenever I would upgrade my system,I would come up with some far fetched tale(lie) Would love to hear your story.......
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Glad someone revived this thread so that I may confess to a recent awkward experience as a result of my less-than-full disclosure. I had convinced my wife that I invested only X in my system. The truth is that my investment has been more like 4X, and that is the actual cash investment (not figuring in what the used equipment would have cost if bought new). We recently met at our house with our insurance agent to update our coverage. Imagine the flop sweat on my brow when the agent asked me for the replacement value of my audio equipment. After a bit of shuffling of feet, I had to suggest that I would need to "get back to him" with the details. The look I got from my wife was priceless.

Like they say, "Oh what a tangled web we weave..."
I drive an old reliable Camry pressing a quarter of a million miles, and am handy at being able to perform most maintenance on it. When my sweetie of 17 years questions, "How Much?" - like a recent TAD-150 purchase here on Agon -, I reply, "Less that 2 payments on a new Camry". As long as I can forgo a new car payment, its easy for me to justify my audio addiction!
My GF (who I live with) is not into audio at all. When I met her, all she had was a boombox from an ex, so she sees almost no value in high performance audio.

Recently she was with me when I bought locally a metacarbon cable for $1200 (I told her it was $1000) - but hey the retail is $3000. "You spent $1000 on a a cable?" At that moment I felt really foolish, seeing her side of it.

Of course when I went home and heard how much higher resolution it made my system, I knew it was a good purchase.

About 2 weeks ago I got a new Raven One turntable delivered and set up. The Graham arm had been here in a box waiting. I told her the dealer was coming in to set up the arm. (The dealer has his wife with him so it was a bit of a distraction as they taked, but we were all in the living room) I thought for sure she realized I had gotten a new table, and later that night showed her something on it.

"Is that new?" she asked - damn, had I kept my mouth shut she never would have even realized since both my old and new table are black (but totally different shapes)

Last night I was listening to the new table/arm/cable and realized what a huge upgrade in sound quality it was. Even so, I really dont think most people would be able to tell, or if so wouldnt really care very much.

So I realized that people like us are unique in that we can fully appreciate the sometimes realtively subtle changes in reproduction. Why shouldn't we have the best gear we can (or can't) afford? Who better to appreciate it than us?
Life is short and if this relatively safe hobby brings us so much pleasure, then why question it? (though I often still do)

Now I how to figure out what I'm gonna say when I want to upgrade my 13 year old tube amps for the latest version ones. That will be a noticable change. (the new phono stage stage I am getting this weekend is black with no controls - so that should go unnoticed.)
I was away on business when my new Sound Lab U1X speakers arrived, I got a couple of email photos from my wife saying that some mysterious crates had turned up and customs were hassling for payment of import duty.
It cost me a holiday of a lifetime for her to forget those 'little' crates that I overlooked.
At the moment with system problems that I am having, her big put down is that, "my ipod sounds better than that" Ouch!

Cables and delivery of new vinyl purchases mostly arrive without comment from her - or just some spares arriving for work, dear!
Does hiding major audio purchases from your wife constitute a form of cheating? Maybe she has hid some purchases from you. If so, possibly your marriage certificate isn't worth the paper its printed on. I always clear a major audio purchase with her first but items under $200.00 (audio accessories like tubes etc) don't constitute a major purchase unless it is your last $200.00. By the way I have been married for 33 years.