Triode vs. Ultra-Linear vs. SET

Sonicly, is it advisable to set a push-pull tube Amp in triode mode if I've got enough power?

I've go a 60 watt Rogue Tempest Magnum integrated and I'll soon be receiving a pair of Von Schweikert DB-100's which are 100 db. 30 watts in triode would seem to be enough.

Also, sonicly, does a push-pull triode setting approach a SET in quality?

I'm just beginning to learn about ultra linear, triode and SET's and I've got a ways to go.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

I own the rogue tempest magnum and find the triode so much better than ultralinear. i find there is much more dimension, texture, and warmth in triode.
Thank You, everyone for your great responses.

Clueless - I'm a reading fool! Nothing like a compulsive personality directed in the right areas. But, you know, a little knowledge can be dangerous.

Thankfully, I do have some face-to-face help from a very knowledgable dealer here in Hollywood, Florida (anybody around here).

Lastly, for now, Has anyone in modern civilization heard the Von Schweikert DB-100's? I'm nearly ready to give out a reward.
Check a pair of used KEDROS at
This is the way to go with SET