My Jadis Int amp. distorts in the upper mid-range

Hi All
Just bought a Jadis Orchestra Refference Integrated amp. (used) - and it's distorting in the upper mid-range levels..

It uses 4x KT-90, and 2x ECC83 imput tubes, with about 400 hours on them - and were the ones originally supplied new from Jadis.

I have 100% elliminated my other components as a posible sourse of the distortion..

Please help !!

Also: If I have to change my tubes, does anyone have first hand experience at what tube upgrade is PERFECT for the Jadis Orchestra Reference Int. amp.

Pierre is absolutely right, heck, I should have thought of that.
Saffy, how is it going? Please report back to us!
2-24-03 "Did you check the bias?"
4-03-05 "Thanks guys - it was the bias"
26 months later. That's a pretty fair reflection of how long it takes to bias this amp:) But it sure is worth it! (I own one)