Opinions on Sunfire, Carver Lightstar amps

Hi, what are people's opinions on these amps. I know Carver isn't in business no more. How did people like the Carver Lightstar amps and the Sunfire amps. How is this Sunfire Signature Stereo Amp, thats 600w x 2.
Paulwp and I have the post-Lighstar z modular Carver amps designed by Jim Croft, (who also designed the Carver Amazing speakers.) They are unbelievable performers and a tremendous bargain, to boot, (as only available used.)

They include these models:
AV 705x/753x/505
A 760x/500x/220

Now the whole world knows, Paul. But, no worries mate, as 99% of the folks here are too snobby to consider these.

The Lightstar / Lightstar Reference are both more linear and slightly better built than the Sunfire's. The Sunfire's were purposely voiced to sound slightly more romantic ala the "classic" tube sound. Both series of amps are capable of very good performance if the rest of the system is up to snuff. Even though they are pretty efficient in terms of power drawn vs power out, they can pull prodigious amounts of current if cranking the volume on low efficiency, low impedance speakers. The "standard" Sunfire ( 2 x 300 @ 8, 2 x 600 @ 4 ) can easily pull in excess of 10 - 15 amps, so it would perform best on its' own 15 amp or preferably 20 amp dedicated circuit. The bigger 2 channel Sunfire Signature ( 2 x 600 @ 8, 2 x 1200 @ 4 ) and the multi-channel Sunfire Cinema Grand and Cinema Grand Signature all need their own 20 amp circuit at the very minimum in my opinion.

What these amps excell at the most is performing under difficult conditions without ever sounding stressed. You can push them and push them and they never get nasty, hard, gritty or strained sounding. If you are in need of big power and don't want to break the bank, either of these amps would be good candidates. Sean
Twilo, I heard the Carver Lightstar amp at the Stereophile show in 1996. The system was Carver Lightstar amp, Carver Lightstar passive preamp, Wadia 16 CD Player. Carver AL 3+ ribbon speakers, that had a 10 inch woofer at the bottom. All I got to say, this system sounded unbelievable. It sounded fast sweet and had an amazing soundstage. The bass was great.
I have had a pair of Lightstar II's for years. One of the amps I bought from Jim Croft(the main engineer/designer) off the floor of a Stereophile show when it first came out. He even showed me the proof of the REG review in TAS! The other amp was purchased minimally used. I used them to biamp the Carver Amazing Platinum IV's (until 4 yrs ago when I gave/loaned the Amazings to a friend )and was always happy with the sound. Now I use them to drive my Magnepan 20.1's and the sound is heavenly.
I too believe that Sig600 (havent heard the Lightstar) could be the end point and could go with any high performance speaker at any price paid.
I did lots of vs. vs. of modern D class Wyred4Sound, NuVista, Krell KAV400i, Bryston monos and found that sig600 has sonic advantages over models listed plus is affordable. It works its best in the balanced mode.