Opinions on Sunfire, Carver Lightstar amps

Hi, what are people's opinions on these amps. I know Carver isn't in business no more. How did people like the Carver Lightstar amps and the Sunfire amps. How is this Sunfire Signature Stereo Amp, thats 600w x 2.
IME, his 1st Sunfire power amp was a killer. Played especially well (no pun) w/ Vandersteen speakers.
Sunfire Signature 2x600 (2x1200 @ 4 ohms) into my Magnepan 1.7's... I'm not looking to change/upgrade anything... it's great.
Try (active) Vertically Bi-Amping a pair of (sereies II or later) Sunfire Sig's to your speakers. OUTSTANDING!!! I have a pair of (series II) Sunfire Cinema Grands Sig's vertically (actively) powering a pair of old school Infinity IRS Beta speakers. I have one 3rd gen. Sunfire Sig. amp and I am waiting to get another, so I can use those to power the Betas and see how they sound compared to the set-up I have now. I also tried Bob's new (180 watts per ch.) Cherry 180 tube mono block Amps on these speakers (Tubes on the miss/tweets & one Sunfire Sig on the Bass), and they sounded pretty damn sweet; however, I tried the dual solid state set-up mention above and ended up liking all the extra power/headroom the Sunfires provided compared to the tubes.
I have yet to hear any of the Light Star equipment.
I have heard Mitcth4t's set-up (four Carver Silver9t amps w/ the O.G. Infinity Kappa 9's) and they too are to die for.