amp for thiel cs1.6??

hello all - quite lucky to have picked up pair of thiel cs1.6 over the holidays, and now that i've had them for a while as you might guess i'm unhappy with the rest of my setup. have rotel 971 cd player and older top o'line harman pre/amp. sounds a little too bright overall for me (play all kinds but get picky with jazz vocals and classical), and am hoping that new (used!) amp section for about $1500.00 or so should be well worth the investment. leaning towards integrated or entry-level pre/amp combo as best bang for buck. Mid-size room and they are very effic 4ohm speakers, but would like at least 40wpc or so. considering linn majik, but open to suggestions re: cary (i think i would like the 'warmth' of tube, but concerned about losing the low-end with these speakers), krell, musical fidelity, parasound and still wondering about spectron. unfortunately am not near a location where i can demo anything, so any comments appreciated!!!
Lafish, when you find a JRDG integrated for $1,500, please let New_wes know...

As for tube integrateds, I demo'ed the 1.6 in conjunction with the VTL ST-85 (which is available in integrated form as the IT-85) - the combo was exceptionally fine and the prices make sense together.
You did not mention the cables that you are using. Thiels are a very revealing speaker. Don't forget to budget cables into the equation. I've used MIT's and currently am using Straightwire.

You should be able to find one of the older bigger Parasounds for under $500. At least with the older Thiels, you really can never give them too much power. My speakers are rated at maximum 250 wpc and I'm running 385 wpc into them and they handle the power ease. If you are patient, you should be able to find a nice preamp to match and fall within your budget.

I have a set of Thiel 22's, Parasound 2200 ($400 used) and Jeff Rowland Coherence One ($1000 used). The Parasound is not going to be the last amp I own, but for the money, it is one heck of a value in my opinion.