Integrated amp for less than$2500,your suggestion

Hi, I have been contemplating of buying a better Integrated amp to replace my NADC370. I would prefer warmer,smoother
,musical and full-bodied sounding unit.My budget is for not more than $2500.My system:Quadral Ascent850,3 way-floorstander,89dB(4-8ohm);Analysis Plus Oval 9 spkr cable;TruthLink IC(harmonic tech);AhNjoeTjoeb 4000CDP(Amperex7308 tubes,Upsampling). Your suggestion is highly appreciated and thanks in advance
I thought I saw a JRDG Concentra I for sale here on A'gon for $2,500. It matches your desired sonic description. You also might consider an Audio Research CA50. Good luck!
Warm, Smoother, Fuller, Musical?!?!

Dude, you just described what I've been with for over a year and a half- and that's a long love affair for an amp in my house.
The Rogue Tempest.
Remote Volume (nice, solid Aluminium)
Switchable Triode/Ultralinnear operation
Switchable 4/8 ohm operation.
Removeable power cord.
Uses 4 6550/kt88/kt90 (or el34, but not advised by Rogue)
Automatic bias,(no tube biasing)
2 12ax7 Tubes, 4 12au7 (probably cost less than 1 genuine pair of Amperex 7308s)
Fan cooled.
And the best company that I've ever dealt with.
When you call, you get the Owner. Every time.
Nice guys, great products (check the reviews).

Anyway, No, as Fs audio is in the business of selling audio gear, I am not. Just a satisfied customer that's tried lots of products. The Rogue makes me smile, everytime.

good luck.
VTL IT85. I used to own an NAD 340C, and the VTL was SUCH an awesome upgrade. Exactly what you are looking for: fuller, bigger/full-bodied, and smooth.
Warm, musical, and full-bodied is exactly how I would describe the new McIntosh components compared to a lot of others. There are many happy owners of the integrated MA6900 and MA6500 on this site that rave about them. I would suggest you check them out too. They will be in your price range if used. I have McIntosh separates but if I were to get an integrated, I would get the 6900. Sounds like you like a similar sound as me so Classe 151, BAT 300x, and JRDG Concentra are also possiblities. I just like the McIntosh sound the best however - and the meters are awesome at night. Happy hunting! Arthur
YBA Integre DT. You can do this baby new, in your budget, with room to buy a nice AC cord. I think it's the best SS 50 watts out there. I just sold mine a few months ago. I had the original Integre without the dual transformer. Check this baby out. Beautiful construction, maticulous innards and wonderful sound. Put it on your list.