Amps to drive Vandy 3A signatures

Hello all,

I am looking into the Vandersteen 3A signatures and noticed that they need quite a bit of juice to get them going. This fact may prevent me from purchasing these speakers since I cannot afford to spend more than $1500 total on amplification. Anyone have any good recommendations for amps, integrated or separates in this price range that can do an adequate job driving these speakers.

Thanks in advanced
ALso...the b-60 can be used as a pre when and if you decide to add more power...such as a Bryston 4b...LOL! last others have stated...Vandies are forgiving of electronics...if u are on a tight budget...the NAD c370 120w amp would be a great cost alternative dealer has both NAD and Bryston...and I was surprised at how well the NAD performed at roughly 1/3 the cost...doesnt have the build quality or 20 yr warranty of the Bryston...but will get you up and running...and it sounds very good...I have the smaller c350 in my 2nd system and couldnt be more happy with its performance...cheers...
Correction: I believe the NAD is more like 1/2 the cost of the get the picture...