Why is there so much Rowland gear for sale?

There seems to be an excessive number of Jeff Rowland products for sale on Audiogon. I happen to be one of the sellers. In the past there would be 8 or 10 items for sale but suddenly there are double that amount of items and they seem to be selling very slowly. Does anybody have any thought on why?
Asa (three points), if world events are giving your shorts such a squeeze (25 points), perhaps a few hands of Bezique (27 points) are in order when you've had your fill of Scrabble. Me, I am less pessimistic, the taste in my mouth being less like verjuice (20 points). ;-)
Oh, I know, 4yanjx, just stirring the pot-o-bit, don't you know; someone told me once it was the essence of democracy. (Things ahave been a bit calm around audiogon lately).

Not squeezing me, though, but sure is some people down the road (look out your car as you pass...). On second thought, if one does, in fact, identify with other people, then might just be squeezing that person too, ie empathic identification is a little more than just "world events", although that abstraction does have an intriguing distancing quality about it. On pessimism: who was it that said, "Wish for things exactly as they happen"? Anyway, yes, leave unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, metaphorically his lack of empathy for the other, but that doesn't mean deny that what he is doesn't exist. Can you say, embedded aristocratic corporate oligarchy with their own 'lil army? Hmmm...Yes, economically speaking, the empire will do just fine after it swallows this next thing, and, as such, we all as citizens of the realm will reap the profits at some point. But, will we also reap the wind, reap what has been sown?

I like the point thing though. Problem is that I don't know what Bezique is (!) or what verjuice means (!), so you would have to educate me there. But I still get what you were trying to say, I hope.

Oh BTW, I'm not really playing scrabble and hiding in a bunker; I'm hear talking to you...

Oh yea, I like Rowland just fine.
Asa, perhaps only a face-to-face would have revealed the tongue supplanted firmly in my cheek as I eschewed the bitter nectar of fruit on which I snacked (verjuice) and bemoaning the bad luck of the draw while engaged in a spirited round of Bezique (a pinochle-like card game). :-)

No trying to slip in that extra "j" (8 points) in 4yanx, either. ;-0
I have no idea if Mac sells well through all kinds of weather but I think using Harley as an analogy is prescient in that neither particularly excels at anything but both have captured the imagination of those who have little other
cerebral enterprise. For those who can never quite connect the dots, Harley, Mac and, indeed, the Grateful Dead are prima facie icons.
What in hell does Harley Davidson have to do with freedom or Confederate flags? And what, pray tell, does MacIntrash have to do with high end audio? Those who still wave the Mac flag are unaware of the progress designers such as Jeff Rowland
offer and will always remain so. Quality is not for everyone. If it was, MacDonalds would not have sold any hamburgers.
The Harley-Davidson thing is so much more complex than any branding that occurs in the audiophile world. Either you understand The Motor Company or you don't.

Hey Macrojack, it spelled M-c-D-O-N-A-L-D's. As the largest merchant of prepared food in the known universe McDonald's serves reasonable quality food at reasonable prices in a convenient manner. If you want the greatest hamburger in the world, I've heard of a restaurant in NYC that serves a pound of ground sirloin on a fresh baked onion roll for $50 a serving. It must be so easy to look down upon those who only have $2 or $3 to spend on a meal.

Back to motorcycles - real men walk with a limp. I bet you don't understand that either.