Why is there so much Rowland gear for sale?

There seems to be an excessive number of Jeff Rowland products for sale on Audiogon. I happen to be one of the sellers. In the past there would be 8 or 10 items for sale but suddenly there are double that amount of items and they seem to be selling very slowly. Does anybody have any thought on why?
Macrojack: you said it all. Pretty soon, me too, I'll just be listening to the music on a nice small system and fade off into the distance...It does make me sad though, to see people like yourself who love music forced from that retreat. I have said this before: the audio hiend is in trouble - and you are right, the attrition has been occuring, at a deeper level, for ten or so years now. This is happening because, underlying even that, is a decline in our society's valuing of things vs. meaning; we accumulate things in the hopes of finding meaning. This happens in most empires eventually. Pull up a seat, you have a front row view...Rowland being dumped is only a very minor surface eddy. There will be other oscillations...

I tip my hat to the brethren and say, this too shall pass.
Obviously when you all go off the subject at hand talking
about Harley Davidson and Mcdonalds It just shows that
Roland gear is not exciting enough to stay on the topic.

Like I had said in my previous thread there is better
sounding gear out there.If Roland gear was so entharling
you would not be bringing Mcintosh,Mcdonalds,and Harley
Davidson into this thread!
Don't be fooled by my misanthropic diatribes. I'm a believer in the pendulum theory and feel strongly that we'll recover from our greed cycle. People are stupid in their low level reflexes, what with tying yellow ribbons for Buffoon 1 and berating the French for their sensible position versus Buffoon 2, but insofar as they blow in the wind, they will be blown back to sanity. Unless, of course, we are all blown to kingdom come.
We are in YIN times and for that reason our focus is outward and superficial but Buffoon 2 is unwittingly reversing this trend by providing us with a virtual certainty of YANG times in the near future. When our belts tighten sufficiently, we will again concern ourselves with substance.
The future, while superficially bleak, holds much promise as gutcheck time draws nigh.
Tater, honey,
I hold little hope for you as a result of reading your petulant anti-Rowland rantings. You can't or won't spell the man's name correctly and you have not as yet betrayed any knowledge upon which you might reject his fine amplifiers.
If you trouble yourself to type JRDG into Google ou will find his website. From there you select "products" and from there select the Concentra II. There is a tech talk section there which will provide you with many reasons to admire his innovative spirit and clever designs.
If ever you purchase a new Rowland product, the experience of opening the box and acquainting yourself with the sophistication and gracious goodwill of the people who built and packaged it just for you is delightful beyond ready description. If ever you have been attended to by the more elegant of the servant trade, then you have a hint of the feeling Rowland conveys.
Soundwise, it cannot be faulted. I will concede that there are amplifiers whose characteristics better convey the sound effects of overproduced, unintelligible commercial recordings but in my vast experience I have yet to hear any solid state device that can do better justice to the essence of real music performed on acoustic instruments.
So, Tater, please do yourself a favor by noting the correct spelling and reading about the Concentra II. If you are still in the mood to lock horns on this topic at that time perhaps you will have some.