Hovland hp-100 remote in the future?

anyone have info or a guestimate on whether hovland plans to bring out a version of this preamp with a remote?
No idea, but I count 7 ads here at Audiogon now for HP-100 preamps. What gives????? Is Hovland coming out with a new preamp to replace it?


hey kf...exactly what i was thinking. the only negative i've ever read about this preamp is the lack of remote. seems like they'll have to come out with the option sooner or later.
I read a report of the Stereophile HES 2003 show on Audio Asylum that mentions a room with the Hovland HP-200. If that is not a typo, maybe a hint that a new model pre-amp(probably with remote and theatre bypass)is imminent. Nothing listed on Hovland's website as of today(6-19-03).