boyfriend is getting on my way

My boyfriend is telling me that replacing my present BRYSTON 4BST with MC CORMACK DNA2 will enhanced the performance of my Monitor Audio Speaker (silver 9i), I need your honest opinion regarding the comparison performance of these two amplifier before I divorce my boyfriend, Im using a monster 2.4 biwire and sunfire tube pre-amp with 6922 nos, and CEC TL5100 cd is driving me crazy!!!!!
"trust your own ears"..... Sdcampbell said it perfectly.
It's your system, your money, your ears and your choice.
You MUST always audition the piece of gear in your system before you buy it. This is the only way to buy.After all isn't it YOUR system.
If he wants you to have a different amp in your system have him buy it for you.
Just my $.02, Rick
Let's see if I'm clear about this... your choice is to replace your Bryston 4BST or your boyfriend or both? Yikes!
Listen to your boyfriend, but have him buy you the amp instead of you buying it. Then asked him, does it sound better honey?..:-)...then tell him how much you love him..