Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Hi Charlieclarke, is it the same video that is on the Tara Labs web-site?, thankyou.
"I've heard nothing like it,"

– Michael Fremer / Stereophile 2014 Recommended Components

“ … the new, finally flexible Zero Evolution and Omega Evolution takes the sound to another level of liquidity, transparency, and limitless high-frequency extension.”

– Michael Fremer / Stereophile Magazine 2014
As you can read, This is the best cable system Michael Fremer has ever listened too, As always, brought to you by audiolabyrinth, Happy listening to all.
Tara Labs finally has put the new power cables on there web-site, they are still working on some of the pics of the power cords,However, after my phone call to them, the power cords are there now for all to view, Enjoy!
Misternice, I bought both the Furutech GTX-D Rhodium and Gold, also one aluminum frame and one carbon fiber plate, how long or hours did it take before you formed your conclusions between these two version's that was best for you and your system?, If I can determine benefits of the frame and cover plate, I will buy the same for the other outlet, I am doing this because of the huge mixed bag of opinions out there concerning these wpo's, I am sure this will take a while for my impression's, reply when you can, cheers.
Hi Jebsmith73, I respect the Stage 3 Kraken power cord you have, alot of great feed back on your power cord, A very fair comparison would be the Tara labs GrandMaster power cord, they are about the same retail price point for 6ft length, if you could get your hands on this Grandmaster power cord to audition and give adequete burn-in time, I would be most interested in your impressions.