A pair of "warm sounding"6922 tub

Hi:Can you guys recommand a pair of "warm sounding(maybe the warmest)"6922 for Audible Illusions Modulus 3A.I am currently using SIEMENS CCa;happy with everything,but warmth.THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!
For "warmth" in an AI M3A my favorite is NOS Tunsgram. You will find them to be much warmer sounding than CCA. And, as a nice bonus they are long lasting in the M3A. Now for the frosting on the cake--they cost less too. Enjoy!
I've tried a few different Siemens 6922s and CCas, but eventually settled on the much cheaper Mullards. The Siemens were very transparent with extended highs, but sounded too lean in my system. The Mullards have a much fuller character with a slightly rolled off top end compared to the Siemens, but can match their air and soundstaging. After buying and liking a pair of these little cheaps guys I went back to the same seller and bought four more matched pairs. Couldn't be happier!
I've tube rolled about 20 different 6dj8 tubes in the last year, and I've learned a few things....I've yet to meet a Mullard I like, they all have no top end extension to my ears, and some are seriously lacking in dynamics and initial transients. I've tried the Siemens Cca, both the earlier Halske and later Rohre and while incredibly detailed I found them a little thin also. In fact I found the Siemens 7308 tubes to be superior! Be worth your while to try them. I am currently trying out Amperex stuff, the PQ white label seems very impressive so far, but its to early for me to comment yet. The tube for you is the Telefunken Cca. A beutiful soundstager with incredible dynamics and detail, with just a hint o wamth. Its my favorite 6dj8 tube, followed by the Siemens 7308. Be warned, they are hard to find and pricy! (expect to pay between $300-$400 a pair NOS)
I hear the siemens to be warm and very detailed and telefunkin to be a bit less warm but have just little more detailed, all most the reverse of one another.
I just purchased the seimens nos 6922 for a Sonic Frontiers D/A and the sound is warm and detailed, very nice sounding as I think I would prefer this over the telefunkin as my speakers are Martin Logans and they like a hint of warm! May consider lookng at your IC and speaker wire first. just a thought! Happy Listening!