A pair of "warm sounding"6922 tub

Hi:Can you guys recommand a pair of "warm sounding(maybe the warmest)"6922 for Audible Illusions Modulus 3A.I am currently using SIEMENS CCa;happy with everything,but warmth.THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!

Sorry i can't give any more info. I am a bit of a newbie when it comes to tubes. All I know is what I've heard, what I've read and what I like. As far as I know Amprex could be made by pixies in a magical forest, then Amprex slaps their name on it. I do know (or was told) Rouge Audio uses Amprex as a standard in their gear, so it would seem logical to assume someone is still making Amprex tubes. Now that you bring this topic up, the RCA tubes I originally mentioned are produced by another company and labeled RCA; don't recall the parent company.

www.audioasylum.com is a good source of info. I hate navigating their site, but can always learn a thing or two there.

Does anyone find Russian tubes to be 'good' sounding tubes? I bought a pair of Russian Military Spec tubes and felt robbed although I only spent $20. Horrible in every aspect.

Follow up: I got curious and went looking for info and found this site; http://www.pentalaboratories.com/teslovak.asp
Unfortunately I think I am more confused...this one company manufactured it all according to what I read.
Mdomnick - The Rocket 6H30 tubes I mentioned are Russian tubes and are supposed to be very good. However I have tried the Sovtek version of the 6922 tubes and they were horrible in comparison to the other tubes I mentioned in my earlier post. I don't think you can broadly generalize that all Russian tubes are bad/good...it would depend entirely on the specific tubes. For intstance in the realms of EL34's JJ Tesla, and Electro Harmonix (a 'refined' version that Sovtek actually manufactures) are two of my favorite current production tubes, while others like Svetlana's. One thing I have found with the Russian tubes I have used is that they are not the most reliable tubes. I've had two arc on me straight out of the box on two different occasions (two different manufacturers, and two different components too). They were replaced immediately by the (reputable) dealer no questions asked and no further incidents took place beyond the individual failures. John at The Tube Store, has told me that his experience has been that, yes, this is indeed the case with Russian current production tubes. Russia does manufacture quite a large quantity of the currently made tubes and are one of only a few countries still doing so.

Sorry, don't know anything about Teslovak. It looks like they source some of their tubes from China (Shuguang) too.
Hey again
There is a tube dealer that goes by the name 'fletchj' on Audiogon. Do a username search then give this guy an email. He knows all there is to know about Amperex tubes, and most other tubes as well.