Why my system has detail but no body & warm vocal?

My system:
B&W 602S3
Rotel RA-972 int amp
Rotel RCD-975
Kimber 4Tc speaker cord
Kimber hero interconnect

When I listen to Barbra Streisand or Lionel Richie's song, it has detail but no body. The vocal is thin and laid back.

What is my weak point? I am thinking about try Audio analogue Puccini or Arcam A75 amp, and try Arcam CD72 CD player. Is it a right direction to go?
You can try one of these in your system for free, F.T. audio, placette audio, bent audio. All great passives and great bang for buck in the vocal department. As stated above, make sure room and speaker placement come first on your list.
I agree with the others that have stated that you have selected components / cabling / speakers that are all on the lean side of neutral. Having said that, work with what you have, especially speaker placement. This can really sway the tonal balance but would affect soundstaging and imaging at the same time. It is sometimes hard to obtain the tonal balance that you want with good soundstage & imaging when having to go this route though.

My first suggestion would be to go for some of Jon Risch's DIY cables. The specific model i had in mind was the Belden based 89259/89248 Solid Stranded Twisted Pair ( SSTP's as i call them ) interconnects. Obviously, you would have to build these, find someone to build them for you or someone that was selling a used pair. Match these with a pair of Goertz MI-2 Veracity ( available from Alpha Core on a 30 day trial basis ) and you would have a system that offered full bodied sound with great transparency.

Bare in mind that ALL cables are system dependent and open to personal preferences, so my suggestion is no better than anyone else's and it might not be to your liking with those specific components in the system.

Another combo, without being specific, would be to use some Tara Labs or Cardas cabling. I think that the Tara would be better suited to what you are looking for, but that is a matter of opinion.

If you don't feel confident with a DIY based cable and / or want specific model recommendations from an unbiased source that carries many brands, you might want to try contacting UsedCable.com and see what they suggest via their on-line technical questionaire. They typically have a very good assortment of used cables that won't break the bank and seem to have their act together in terms of working with customers & making good suggestions.

Once you've reached this point, you can continue on and investigate the AC side of your system should you choose to do so. Depending on one's location, this can make noticeable differences in most cases. It may be well worth your investment to experiment in this area, especially if you live in a highly populated area, an apartment / condo or near an industrial area. Those that live out in the boonies may not have as much of a problem with highly tainted AC and may not experience as much of a benefit from such tweaking.

I only mention the AC part as i've found that "dirty" AC can add a layer of glare and harshness which can easily be interpreted as added brightness. Getting rid of this tends to smooth out the presentation and can result in what one considers a warmer presentation with improved "inter-transient silence" ( blacker background ). Sean
My old system was thin and bright. I changed my speaker cables from Kimber 4tc (which has NO bass by the way) to XLO Pro 12. Warmth, and body came back to my system in a big way, with much better soundstaging and imaging to boot!
Speakers and their placement. Try lowering them and moving them closer to the wall behind them. Use chairs or boxes of books or something, just to experiment with height. If you have a coffee table between you and the speakers, or anything that can reflect soundwaves before they get to you, remove it. If this makes enough of a difference and you like the resulting sound, get or make some inexpensive wooden stands at the right height. If not, shop for different speakers.
Rotel and 600 Series B&W's usually go well together, so I would try different cables...

Consider Van Den Hul D102-MK3 or Nordost Blue Heaven interconnects and some Audioquest speaker cables..

To my ears your post's title describes Kimber in general....