Why an active preamp with Rock-N-Roll ?

In past threads I have read that people have said that an active preamp is better for rock-n-roll.

Have yet to hear, in my 20+ years of experience around high end audio stores and 1000'S OF SYSTEMS, one single passive/pre set up system that sounded as dynamic potentially as a good active preamped system! Something is to be said about the gain stage from an active preamp, and maybe has to do with impedance matching quit a lot as well. Without trying to get technical, it just is the way it is.
There is no reason that active or passive is better for rock music, take most of what you hear as what they know, anyone who is street smart and not book smart would tell you so. There is no reason why solid state or tubes are better for one kind of music. There is no reason why, mono-pole speakers would be better than bi-pole or di-pole or any other kind of speakers for music. I have played with all of these toys for over 35 years and learn more all the time. I just went passive not long ago and my rock sounds great, most people that tell you that passive is not a good thing are only book smart, then there are those that will tell you that passive only works with very few amps (more of that book smart stuff) and the real answer is that most cdp source and amps on the market will work just fine, as a matter of fact, now that I know (street smart) if I had an amp that would not work with a passive I would get rid of it and get an amp that would. I would have went passive long ago if I had not read so much (book smart) bad things about passive. Well, gotta go, supertramp just finished and I have to put some more rock on.
I think that's a lot of nice theories that Sogood is putting forth. But bottom line is that I'll take his passive preamp out of his system, and replace it with a good active, play some rock, and we'll see which is more dynamic! Infact, I'll put money on it that EVERY LISTENER in the room will tell you which is more dynamic!..that's right, the active one...tube, solid state, or otherwise!
And, for the record, I never said active is better than passive. I said for dynamics, active is supperior. If someone likes lots of instrumental, vocals, light jazz and classical, then I used to use a passive to superb effect myself! I'm not saying that at all. But, for dynamic ability, you're better off with active pre's in my experience.
Now maybe "Sogood" has some very dynamic high efficiency speakers, and a passive isn't hurting his dynamics as much as it may other set up's. But the active still has advantages here, all things considered.