Matching Pre-Amp for Audio Aero Capitole MKII ?


Does anyone have suggestions as to a good pre-amp, which will match the Audio Aero Capitole MKII CD Player.

Currently, I have the CD player connected direct into a Krell KSA250 Amp and provides what I think is reasonable soundstage, good bass slam and detail utilising Pure Silver XLR interconnects.

I'm wondering if using a good pre-amp (SS or Tube) will somehow enhance the Soundstage and provide even greater performance.

If you have high sensitivy amp or not so power hungry speakers I strongly suggest a good passive preamp. I have owned preamp from Lamm, Thor, Blue Circle and audition preamp from Pass X1, Orpheus Two, BAT VK51SE while they are good sounding they add color to the sound but none yet to beat the ultimate transparancy and neutrality of Placette RVC. The Placette sound better than even running direct from the AA Capitole volume control itself. Good thing the AA Capitole have high analog output of 5V.
I have Pass Labs Aleph 1.2 amps and the Capitol run direct just doesn't give me the dynamics at low volumes that I have come to expect. The bass is a bit tubby when run direct also. I had a Pass Labs d-1 dac that worked well run direct into the Pass amps though at 1/2 the power of the AA. Go figure. I love the AA and agree that another gain stage or two or five and interconnects is counter-intuitive but the input impedence of the power amp can be an issue.
I agree with above thread. The sound has more dynamics run through a Manley Steelhead pre. The sound running the Capitole direct is still excellent and sounds more delicate. Take yor pick