Looking for an amazing preamp under $700 used

This is probably a wish list for the ultimate preamp, but here goes.

1) SS preamp or hybrid (with 1 tube) max
2) Warmer, smoother sound that doesn't squash the details.
3) Having a processor loop or unity gain for tying in to HT system (great plus, but not essential)
4) Musical, with air and timbral integrity
5) Remote would be nice (but not essential)
6) Under $700 for a quality used piece.

So far I'm considering the Audiolab 8000, Mccormack TLC-1, Audio Research SL3, Forte 44, audio refinement (3.5?).

Can anyone help me narrow the list or add units I haven't considered?

Sonic Frontiers SFL-1, a hybrid single tube pre-amp was a product that helped put SF "on the map"-- a very good value now @ $500.-600.. Excellent sounding, and the tube can be selected to suit your taste. No remote and probably no HT bypass but I don't remember. Cheers. Craig
I would add to the list Aragon, I have the 18k pre amp with the external power supply and I love it. I think it really is a great piece of equipment, maybe the best in my system by my ears anyway. It doesn't have the HT pass through or the remote, though some of the newer aragon pre amps do have a remote. Occassionally one will pass through this site for a decent price (less that your price range anyway).

good luck
I have to 3rd the opinion of the Audible Illusions L-1. Excellent line stage preamp. Outstanding headphone amp.
Many good recommendations for tube based preamps here. But are there any more suggestions for SS pre's that sound "tubelike" in warmth, musicality, presence, etc.?

Music Reference RM-5 MK III is a sleeper since most of folks don't know much about the designer Roger Modjeski.

It uses 1 tube for line stage and 2 tubes for phono.
It has DIP switch wich allows you to adjust gain from 19DB to 35DB
Very solid build with nice warm sound. It works great with my DIY silver cables.

It works great with hard and bright amps.

In any case, it's all about system matching.