M. Logan Requests- Tube Suggestions in $1.5-2K??

You Logan owners. Currently using Parasound HCA3500. Want that silky tube warmth and power. The Parasound also run's so damm HOT! Suggestions welcome!
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VTL 225 OR higher powered VTL amplifiers work well with them. Pair of 225's available here for a song currently.
You might want to check out a Blue Circle BC24 hybrid amp. I've heard this amp very recently with a pair of Requests, and it's a very effective combination.
I have to second Mejames suggestion of the VTL 225 that are currently listed for $2200. The other VTL 225's listed for $999 may be bogus since I have not heard back from the seller after several attempts myself.Also they are still not marked as sold when the $999 is far below market value.

None the less the VTL 225 with the Ei KT90 tubes run in only full triode mode and matched with the efficiency of the ML Request will sound incredible. No need to worry about the low load of the ML's, This amp can handle it hansomely. The only issue you will face is the heat from the tubes, but beleive me, once your hear sound you may be willing to deal with it.

Good luck,

I used a Sonic Frontiers Power 2 on my ML Prodigy's and before that SL3's. It worked very well. You might also look for an ARC VT100, although I am not sure what they are going for these days.
For my SL3's I'm using two Golden Tube Audio SE-40's that were converted to monoblocks, you can get these for around $1k or less on audiogon. I've been amazed at the sound....but I'm new to this hobby so I'm also very interested in what others have to say.

Also Dennis Had of Cary/AES has a new design - a pair of "sixpacks" that are $2400/pair new. (Just saw these while looking for tubes) Looks interesting!
There is info at www.upscaleaudio.com on these.