M. Logan Requests- Tube Suggestions in $1.5-2K??

You Logan owners. Currently using Parasound HCA3500. Want that silky tube warmth and power. The Parasound also run's so damm HOT! Suggestions welcome!
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xnpotter
I used a Sonic Frontiers Power 2 on my ML Prodigy's and before that SL3's. It worked very well. You might also look for an ARC VT100, although I am not sure what they are going for these days.
For my SL3's I'm using two Golden Tube Audio SE-40's that were converted to monoblocks, you can get these for around $1k or less on audiogon. I've been amazed at the sound....but I'm new to this hobby so I'm also very interested in what others have to say.

Also Dennis Had of Cary/AES has a new design - a pair of "sixpacks" that are $2400/pair new. (Just saw these while looking for tubes) Looks interesting!
There is info at www.upscaleaudio.com on these.
All tube amps run pretty hot so you need good ventilation. I use the Mcintosh tube 2102 (100 wpc) with my Odysseys when I go tube with them. A lot of good and interesting suggestions are made here. I also used an EAR 534 (50 wpc) and it really did a great job also but did limit volume levels though it is not my style to listen at those levels. More power is usually better with the Electrostats thus a really tube-like SS amp may give you that sound also. I would recommend the Mcintosh 352 which I use more often with my Odysseys than my 2102.
I'm using the Rogue Audio M120 Magnums with my ReQuests and they sound amazing. I started with the standard issue M-120', which you can find used here on Audiogon sometimes in your price range. Mark O'Brian used the ReQuests to voice the M-120's when he was developing them, so there is a definate synergy.

I don't have my system listed here at Audiogon yet, but you can see it at the url below (mine is system #28). I will tell you that once you've tried tubes on your ReQuests you'll never want to go back.

Thanks for the suggestion's as i needed a starting point with so many options being available and i really wanted a perspective from Logan owners. Please don't hesitate to add more!
Pardon my ignorance but as a rule will tube's alway's run hotter than ss units? Again my Parasound HCA 3500 run's hot as it should i suppose due to it's size and power. Also, is there a minimum watt in a tube amp to drive these Request's properly, say 40 watt?
Also, my Requests are bi-wired at the speaker and also at the Parasound(bi-wired connect posts). Some other amp's don't have a bi-wire setup on the back of the unit. What do i do at the back of these amp's to retain my setup? Double the positive leads as one and the neg's as one?
Anyway, thanks fo the feedback! Love the ML's!