Who makes the least expensive Tube Pre-Amp?

I would like to add a tube Pre-Amp to my system just see if I hear a difference. I know that at a cheap price it will not be a great sounding pre-amp but I'm just curious to see if I can achieve some of that tube smoothness in my system.

Again,,,,,,,,,I need suggestions on an entry level tube
pre amp.
You will certainly hear ehem... difference especially after a while you'll start to develop sibliance and many unwanted colors.
Designing good tube pre is a complicated and expencive issue that figures at least $1000 for used unit.
You can search among vintage Audio Research or Macintosh tube preamp units otherwise not sure if any other small brands might produce something descent.
watch for a used conrad johnson PV 5,6,or7 (300-500)they will perform with the ability to determine what your seeking. if you decided to not keep around, will be able to liquidate without any dificulty.
AMC makes cheap and decent tube pre.
OTherwise, please look into Bel Canto.
Good luck