Tube Preamps under $1000 used

I'd like to hear form all you space cowboys out there. What do you think is the sweetest sounding, best built, sexiest, pre that a poor audio junkie can purchase on the used market for a maximum of $1000? Of course I'm interested personally and I will use this Forum to narrow my choices and develop and short list for audition. Thanks!
Cmidnight, if you think you'd find a soft glowing blue circle, large round cherry knobs and a pair of 6SN7 tubes sexy, I'd suggest the Blue Circle BC21 as well. Sugarbrie knows I love mine.
Oh, my Gunbei, didn't your parents ever tell you about 'forbidden love'? And Sugarbrie watches!?!?! I confess, I'm guilty as well....let the world judge us...I don't care, just as long as I can be together with my tubes!! There's nothing like a pair of bare-naked, hot and hard tubes with their glass nipples pointing to the heavens to get your juices flowing. Why I've got a stirring in my loins just thinking about it! Pardon me while I go surf some some hi-end sites for hot pics and downloads.....

Listen to the Audible Illusions L-1. They sell for about $750 and still compare with the best. This is the linestage of the AI M3A. It was on everyones top list for years. It still compares with anything near its price range. It retailed for $2195. It has been replaced with the L-2 an upgraded version with remote.
The AI preamps have been overlooked lately because they have been out a while. Don't overlook these!
This is wonderful, thanks for the responses. I have seen Audible Illusions at the top of many lists and I've been leaning toward that manufacturer. Here are some on the facts; I'm especailly interested in a superior MM phono section. I've kept'd my records in good condition since I bought my first Kingston Trio album in `59 and in the `80's I bought a B&O which I still like. I'll be using this preamp with Hafler SS 150 w Transnova and Sonus Faber Concertinos. The Sonus Fabers were a really big improvement to my system and now I want to complete it nicely with some cables and good pre. I'm also interested in a system that will provide full musicality at the lowerer end of the volume control.
Damn Marco!!! The way you love your tubes I'll bet you gotta clean 'em after every listen! Be cautious when downloading any pics of 6922s. Pete Townshend got in big trouble for downloading those little buggers.

Cmidnight, I used to own Concertinos but never concurrently with a tube preamp. I'd think the Sonus Fabers would like tubes though. Good luck!