The Amp Game,

Hi all, I'm having to downgrade for a while and need some thoughts on what amp to choose in my budget at this time.
(1) Sony TA-N77ES?
(2) Sony TA-N90ES?
(2) Pair Adcom GFA-565's?
I will be running a XA7ES direct to the amp, Speakers are 84db & 8ohm. They love power and curent any thoughts here on my best sound and bang for the buck?
So? What did you finally select? I have a Sony TA-N90ES and think it is the equal of many highly regarded amps that sell for much more. With its MOSFET design from end-to-end and low gain and solid build quality, it is hard to beat for $500, or so. I use with a Threshold preamp and listen to vinyl and digital and think it controls my Audio Physic Tempo IIIi speakers about as well as anything can. Wonderful, musical, lyrical sound.
if not a used stratos from odyssey -try the new khartago (100wpc)from odyssey-i think klaus said its 750 new.
20 year warranty also