Conrad Johnson Premier 16 LS and NOS Tubes - Help

Has any owner of Conrad Johnson Premier 16LS used any NOS Tube in this preamp.What was your result with the sound quality.Do tubes like Seimens have a short tube life with Conrad Johnson products.Thank you for your Reply
I've tried Siemens Halske CCa's, they were very transparent and linear, had good bass and very clear highs. I'm currently using Amperex Holland 7308's, these, while maybe not as transparent, are more musical and natural sounding. Highly recommended! The Amperex Holland tubes, whether 6DJ8/6922/7308 seem to have an organic presentation that is very attractive.
I am using Siemen CCA very transparent and dynamic, I have heard the Telefunken CCA is very good too for midrange and high would like to try them myself.