Amp/pre for Soundlab M1s Advice: Digital or no?

Recently bought M1s (from Audiokinesis-recommended if you're looking for Soundlabs). I am now looking for an amp/pre, preferably multichannel. I am considering a pure digital signal path strategy - using perhaps Tact Theater RCS and Spectron multichannel. Bad idea/good idea? Alternatives?
I am an expat in Seoul and really cannot demo. I was comfortable with buying the Soundlabs unheard because I have been a long time user of Maggies. But I really would appreciate some help with the electronics.
Albertporter is busy at the HE Show this weekend, but I'm sure that he would tell you that the Wolcott Presence 220 monoblocks are the best amps that he has come across in about 15 years of Soundlab ownership. He uses the Soundlab U-1, and the Wolcotts, with Aesthetix Callisto Signature Linestage, and Aesthetix IO Signature Dual Power Supply Phono Stage.

I know Albert very well, and I know that he has tried many things over many years, and considers his current setup to be the best he can find, cost no object.

Given this fact, I think that the Wolcotts have to be considered in this role with the Soundlab speakers.
Hello Brian,

Thanks for the kind words!

In my experience, amps with digital-switching power supplies haven't worked real well with Sound Labs. There seems to be some dynamic compression that amps with good, old-fashioned beefy power supplies don't have. That being said, I haven't heard the TacT amps with Sound Labs.

How many channels do you need? I presume only two of those channels will involve Sound Labs.

Best wishes,

Hi Duke:

Any idea how the Parasound JC-1 monoblocks work with the Sound Lab M-1s?