Pass X250, Classe CAM200 or...

maybe an Audio Research VT100? I'm in the market for new a new amp(s) for my 2 channel setup using Magnepan MGIIIa.
Recently split up HT and 2 channel systems to separate rooms, and need to bring in a new amp. I've searched the archives for threads on suggestions for the current AND finesse choice for the MGIIIa. Been using the fronts of the Sunfire Cinema Grand Signature until now, probably will keep it in the HT setup, so I don't want another Sunfire.
I am leaning toward the Classe, but would like other Maggie 2 channel folks to weigh in with their choices. Thanks.
IMS sytem consist of andra,art audio preamp,siltech wire,
ps audio 300, the pass did not even sound musical at all
very dry, it generate reasonable heat, compare to Krell
the heat of x250 is nothing,then I return the x250 to
my friend,who has thiel CS6,then again is not musical at
all but it sound good, compare to the extreme stratos
oddyssey, the extreme are musical in my system, and magical
with the thiel,GUEST WHAT?He sold the x250.I will both
try this 2 amps before buying.
How does an amp not sound musical? I just don't understand that popular term. Dry? as opposed to wet, I suppose?

This is what I get from the Pass amps I have owned. An amp that gets out of the way of the music. The music is generated by the front end, not an amp. Sure, an amp can ruin the music, through distortion, and purposeful coloration.

Pass amplifies as purely as is conceivable. All the tiniest nuances are clearly transmitted through my reference grade speakers. I am spoiled.

I use a tube cdp. Each tube is laid bare for any defect, the Pass system is so good. Luckily, there are near perfect tubes available.
Everything I have heard about Pass X amps has been positive and it should be great with the maggies, although I have never heard one. I can say for certain my modded McCormack DNA-2 is outstanding with my 3.6s and know you would be impressed if you found one to try.