Are the better $$$ 845 tubes worth it sonically??

I have the ASL 1009 monoblocks (a pair of 845's per amp), and have the stock Chinese 845 tubes. Has anyone compared their 845-based amps with ANY other type of 845 tubes?

I am most interested in hearing about the KR 845's, as they are current production, and available from Czech at $430/matched pair . The older GE-type NOS 845's seem way to expensive.

I guess the main question though is WHAT differences sonically did you notice upon using a 'better' 845 tube, and was it worth it??
Hey Sutts. That is over 3000 hours /year. Now I understand your inquiry regarding nos 845 tube life. The good thing is: the nos 845,s are said to be good for 20-30,000 hours.Regarding the current KR 845...Who the hell knows? I haven't even heard the new 845- however, I must say that I am very impressed with the sound of the 300bxl and 842.Hopefully; someone that uses the kr 845 will jump into the thread and comment.Regarding the 12au7's.... The tubes that I recommended should cost you a lot less than the mullard 12au7 and if you should happen across any perhaps you might consider them for down the road.Like most nos preamp tubes.... they ain't getting any cheaper! Cheers David.
Thanks guys- great comments. Re: the KR 845's, KR said ~ 3,000 hours. I am CERTAINLY not going to pay the $1,700 CDN that our local Canadian distributor wants for the quad set I would need to have them last only a bit over 1 year...

However, Ecclectique, your comment is interesting- 20-30,000 hours??!! I can't believe that! Wow- if that IS the case, hey, sign me up!! Which NOS tubes are the ones with this incredibly ling life?? (and yes, I have also had the KR 300BXLS in a pair of 300B monoblocks- they are great tubes).

Also- where do you FIND these super long lasting and superior NOS 845 tubes for NOT a small fortune? (I would need 4 minimum).
Kr845's need to be used in the right amp. You cant just automaticly put it in any 845 amp. Once you get that ok'd, i found it very, very good. Easily betters the 845b and 845m. A much more sophisticated tube sonically. Some of the kr reliability issues can be attributed to poor application. Of course a good tube cant make a bad system sound amazing!So, to answer the original question, absolutely, yes they can.