Speaker suggestion for Pass Labs Int-150

I'm looking into changing my current speakers(Canton Reference 9.2) into something else.

I've noticed that I'm currently not pleased with the sound. I don't know if there's something wrong with my amp bit I think that the speakers sounds like a heavy load and that the sound isn't as "light" as I would prefer. I find that I'm mostly listen to the system and not the music, and I really hare that.. I've just today discovered that i enjoyed my friends system containing an old onkyo home theater amp paired with 90's Canton floorstanders..

The speakers are connected with Supra swords and paired with an velodyne dd10 and i use the system to both music(computer and cd's) and with movie-watching.
I listen to all kinds of music so the speaker should work as an allrounder as well as for movies.

I have the system in the living-room (7,40m vs 3.60m, cealing 2,4m) I have to have the speakers against the longest wall and the listening position is by the opposite wall. The speakers should work quite near the back wall because the area in front works as an passage to the balcony.

It would also be nice if the speakers are heavy or can be bolted on evetual stands due to high frequency of toddlers in the apartment.

Due to WAF the room can't be treated but we have a lot of bookcases, rugs and furniture in the room so it works ok anyway.

I live quite near the capital Stockholm in Sweden so there are several stores within driving range. Many won't lend you the speakers home though.

BUDGET is around 5k and I'm more than willing to by used items. Worth mentioning is that I haven't heard the amp with other speakers than my own. I got a really god deal on the amp so i went for it after reading several reviews.

Does anyone have a suggestion? What speakers should i audition?
Or should I downgrade, put the hifi on hold and wait until I can have a dedicated room for my system and not be needing to nervously sit and watch while my child learns to walk and not be concerned that a speaker may tip over her.

Hope you can help and thank you in advise.
Try a pair of Vandersteen Model 1's. They work very well with the Pass and should sound quite a bit better than what you currently have. They're even heavy and come with they're own stands.
Hi Zd542 and thank you for your reply,
I'm not familiar with that speaker. I've been looking into it now and it seems that you made a good suggestion that fit my needs. It's hard to find in Europe though.. There are about 5 pairs availible in whole of europe used. My nearest dealer is located in Denmark and the listingprice for the 1Ci model is around 20.000 SEK which is equivalent to 2k in US. Seems a bit much when they sale for 1290$ in United states. And when taken into perspective that a Harbeth M30.1 cost the equivalent of 2700$ in Sweden they seem a bit pricey. I'm also wondering if maybe the model 2Ce Signature MkII would suit the pricerange of the amp better. The listing price of the Int-150 is currently 9,3k in Sweden(that's at least 4k to much IMO)
If you need full-range speakers that can be placed right against the wall, I would give John Larsen a call and ask him to recommend his nearest dealer to you. John is located in Skillingaryd and his phone is 370 70 900.

I own two pair of Larsens, a pair of 8s in my living room and a pair of Larsen 6s in my smaller den. These are amazing speakers in my opinion.