Rowland 201 mono's, has anyone heard them?

I was in a Rowland dealer and they showed me the new Rowland 201 mono blocks for $4700.00 per pair. These were not yet broken in & I did not really listen. 250 watts per channel @ $4,700.00 per pair. At $4,700.00 per pair has anyone listen to these beauties?
Amazing specs on these things. Size of a phonebook, weighs under 14 bounds, draws 8 watts at idle. Hell, it could be a mid-90's laptop computer! XLR only, but adpaters available. I was thinking about picking up a used Model 10, but now...
I have seen just the pictures of these amazing amps. If this pair cost $4700.00, I want one pair. Jeff Rowland? definitely sounds amazing. Now I can sell my Audio Research VT100 MKIII. Rod