Beating a dead horse - Pre with Pass-Thru

I know this subject (or question) has been asked before, and I, myself, have even started a couple of threads on it. In receiving and researching (with great enjoyment, I might add) all your suggestions on recommended 'balanced' Pre's that have processor pass-thru’s, I realized that many, not all, despite being balanced, did not offer the pass thru function through the balanced inputs; or, if they did, only sported one set of balanced inputs, leaving me short, since both my processor and tranport/DAC have balanced outs.

So, I’m turning to you, the experts, once again, in hopes of finding the elusive pre. In short, does anyone know of an excellent Pre that would have:

1) More than one set of balanced inputs… AND
2) Pass-thru/By-pass function through one of its balanced inputs.
I trust that you will get some additional responses to your inquiry, but let me ask a question that is slightly off the topic, yet germane. Why do you particularly want or need a preamp with balanced inputs (the bypass circuit is obvious)? There are many audiophiles (myself included) that do not think balanced inputs are clearly preferably to single-ended, EXCEPT in situations where you have very long interconnects between your source components and the preamp. I have owned and used preamps with balanced inputs, and never heard any sonic improvement over preamps with single-ended inputs -- but the interconnects never exceeded 1.5 meters (and most were 1.0 meters).

If you were willing to consider a preamp with only single-ended inputs, your choice of preamps would certainly be broader.
Krell KCT is an excellent SS 2 channal pre that has 2 sets of balanced inputs. You can select any input you want for theater pass-through.