When is Belles going to get the credit he deserves

Having been in the audio business for 20 years, owned a High End Store for 12 years, and Director of Sales for a notable High End Manufacturer; I sold just about every high end electronics line on the planet. Also, I was exposed to those few I hadn't sold during my travels while working for the manufacturer, visiting more than 100 stores all across the USA. So this perspective comes from a very broad look at the industry. Dave Belles is making, in my humble opinion, amplification and preamps, which outperform some which cost multiples of his pricing. Yet, when it comes to reviews, he rarely gets a mention. This is unfortunate, since it leaves the consumer, who is searching for great values,out in the cold.
It is true that he is a very small company, and hand builds everything, but isn't that the American Dream? "If I build it they will come" That is worth repeating; HE HANDCRAFTS ALMOST EACH PIECE. In a world of cookie cutter products this is a refreshing difference. The time has come for more people to be aware of his products; they are simply amazing. For the money they are a triumph of ingenuity. Also, some of the reviewers out there need to give this man his due. Marty DeWolf, I think it was, reviewed the 350 Amp, and was spot on on his evaluation. That is a wonderfully open and dynamic amp, and, for a very good price. Are we stuck on, "If they don't advertise, they don't get reviewed?
Comments please.
Well here is my experience or two cents which ever is greater.I called Power Modules three separate times and gee who did I get to talk to without having to ask for the big guy, only David himself..In the land of impersonal shit and e=mail and I don't want to talk to you because I'm so important and your not and fax me and talk to the sales rep..it was great to talk to the man himself..And I left him a message once and he did call me back and we spoke for ten minutes or so..E-mail is a cop-out. I like to know my customers and I expect to know my suppliers..If I cannot reach them then I will find another supplier. ...Dave seems to be from the school that wants to know his customers as well as his dealers..thats called relationship selling and its is THE BEST WAY...Tom
Re: customer service via e-mail or telephone, I've had no response from C-J via e-mail and prompt courteous response from C-J via telephone.
That was my point with Matty. I know I teased him a little too much. But, emails are so iffy. Especially, when some companies get 150 a day, and if they were all answered, production would stop.
Sorry Mattie. Just havin' a little fun. Dave is everything Tom and 84 and the others said. A grand gentleman.
I just got a private email from someone, raving over the time Dave spent with him on the phone. He bought a 150A, without ever hearing one, based on the talk with Dave, and of course the comments from the A'goners, and reviews.
Give him a call, really, he'll surprise you; but more important, you'll end up with a great amp,(maybe the best buy in audio) great service, with a terrific man standing behind it.