Monster Cable does Power Amps,,,,,,,,,UH OH

I just visited the monster cable website to look at their power conditions. To my surprise, I noticed that they are now offering to power amplifier. One is a multi channel for home theater and the other is a 250wpc stereo amp. This should be interesting to see how Monster does amongst the audio community.

Here's the link:

Example of Monster sucking: Their Toslink cable-- Interlink 200 or some such, it's a regular old $7.00 Panasonic-sourced el-cheapo Toslink with a big fat rubber jacket on it, and snap on oversized plastic ends. Selling price? $45 retail. Give me a break. That's indicative of most of their product- it's all looks and hype, but at the core, it's cheap junk.
Well, you will probably be satisfied to hear that i just sold the remainder of my monster cable.

i still have some monster interconnects in my hokey pokey system, but why spend more on the cable then you spent on the rest?

Yeah, i just sold about 100Ft of monster speaker cable, and 2 sets of thier banana plugs for 35 bucks.

I think i got a good deal. :)

I think when my fiancee gets outta school and starts working, so my finances will be drastically freed up, ill be getting a set of GMA Europas with some Audio Magic speaker cables. Dunno about the interconnects yet, im still trying to decide which to mate with the Europas, either a Krell 300iL of a belles 150 Hotrod. Pondering Conrad Johnson too.

well, i got about 2 months to figure it out.

i probably wont go back to monster cable. except maybe for a garage system or bedroom rig.

You see Pmkalby, I am free to play with whatever cable i want. You know why? My system is so rickety that any cable will work, cause it is so ghetto that no $300 cable is going to help! :)



Breaking News:

I wouldn't be to quick to judge, Richard Marsh knows a lot about this audio stuff and J Skull had many positive things to say about this piece and his workings with Mr. Marsh. My guess is that this will be good stuff.

ok, We now bring you back to the regularly scheduled program "Monster Haters" already in progress........

I have to give them two thumbs up on the power conditioners.Thats one product that really works.I've seen monster power centers in $15000.00 systems.But I'll agree the cables are garbage!
Leasingguy-- If Jonathan Skull said it, they must be wonderful amps. Reviewers are beyond reproach, and since Monster's ad budget is tiny, I'm sure that was no influence at all...

Time will tell and the world is full of good amps already.