Classe Cam200 or Ca201?

Trying to decide between the two. Anyone have any experience with this gear and a comparison? Driving AE1's MKII with Classe pre-amp. Obviously a little more bass would be nice. Should I save for a 301? I do have a REL Storm III for low, low end. Thanks.
Hello WDouglas. Without question, the CA-201 is a superior amplifier: musically, aesthetically and build quality wise.
We have sold many, and years later, customers still speak highly of these remarkable amplifiers.
Find one. And fast. You'll love it!
I demo'd both the CA201 and the CAM 200s. I had the CA201 for a month while I was waiting for my dealer to get in the CAM 200s. Both sound very good - the midrange is the most "musical" of any SS I've heard. However, I thought the CAM 200s were better at image focus and deep bass control. I bought the CAM 200s. If you're using something else for low bass, the CA201 may be good enough.

By the way, if you choose the CA201, buy the newest version. I demo'd it side-by-side with the prior version and the new one definitely sounded better. Some people say they are identical except for cosmetics, but I disagree. I am not sure what is different, but I weighed both of them and the new one weighs 5 pounds more than the old one (bigger power transformer ????).
Save your money and buy a used model 15. Have Classe service bring it upto spec.
I used to own a 15 and currently own a pair of CAMs. To my ears there's a noticeable difference. The CAM 200 kills both the CA 201 and the 15. The CAMs are faster, "punchier", more detailed, more dynamic - all without being harsh (depends on what speakers you're using of course).
Interesting, did you own a DR-15 or Model Fifteen. The Model Fifteen is more dynamic-punchier than the DR-15. That little amp has some set of robust balls. Warmer though and not as detailed or as refined. You really can't compare a stereo amp to a pair of mono amps though. I never heard the 201- but owned a ca-300 for many years. Along with the attributes you mention above- I believe the ca series sounds thinner than the numbered series (model 10,15,25) I did hear a pair of CAM-350 monos and again they sound as you desribe- you can add the classe hallmarks of imaging/soundtaging to the list. But again- thinner sounding than the numbered series- IMO. All comes down to the power supply caps and current. Those old large electrolytic cans are slower- but bottom line is those amps IMO are more musical though and have more brute force.
I am looking foward to hearing the new 200 watt stereo amp.