Best amp for Audio Physic Avanti III

Can you help me for a few minutes?
The goal is to make the Avanti III's be the very best they can be. What amp/SC combo will do this? I'm interested in your opinions on tubes and ss. The speaker/room setup is near field, listening 8 feet away in a large room and side walls more than 5 feet from each speaker.
What have you experienced or know that would be optimal?
Los Angeles
I would bet the new CJ Premier 140 (either in stereo or mono configuration) would work well based upon an audition of the Virgos with the CJ Premier 12 monos not long ago. For solid state I would be curious to find out how the Parasound JC-1 would fare with the Avantis.
I owned these speakers for some time and the best sound I was able to achieve was with a pair of Tenor OTL's.
Contact me if you want more detail.
Other than the OTL as above, the absolute best sound-matching I got was with an outrageously expensive Symphonic Line "Kraft 250 class A". This combo managed to "equalise" the low-bass output with the highs (i.e. bring the <100Hz in line with the 3kHz and the ~10kHz "bumps" that irked me).

It also made the top end more perceptible than with the OTLs (the small Tenors). question, tubes. I have had two pair of Virgos, with the current being the Virgo III, continually in my system for more than 5 years, the Virgo III is voiced similar to the Avanti. And just as important, it behaves (reacts) to amplifiers in a very similar way as well. Although 1dB higher measured sensitivity for the Virgo, both speakers dipping no lower than 3.5 ohm . I have tried 3 solid state, last one being single ended in design, without bringing me the realism and sheer musicality that tubes can with the AP. I have yet to hear a solid state amp breathe life into the AP speakers as a tube based amp can. I currently am running a VAC 70/70 III, a 300B based amp, with them and the combo is just amazing. One whichever tickles your fancy, but do not scimp, if at all possible, on the quality of your amplification, as the Avanti will lay it's shortcomings bare. Might be a good idea to find a tube amp that adds just a touch to the slight midbass leaness I heard in the Avanti. It's been my experience that there is a plethora of reasonably priced, excellent quality, tube based amps in the marketplace, contrasted by what I have heard with solid state amplifiers for the same money. But the BEST thing you could do for yourself is to try both types of amplification and see if you agree. Just My humble opinions..... ; )