Krell FPB 300cx enough to drive B&W Nautilus 801?

I'm about to purchase the Nautilus 801s, along with the Krell FPB 300cx amp. Would there be any significant improvement if I were to get the Krell 400cx instead? I emphasize the word significant, because price is a major issue. I know the 801s need power, so any opinions as to the sufficiency of the 300cx would be much appreciated. Thanks.
The extra 100 watts derived from the 400cx is equivalent and on the order of only.5dB or about 5 amps. I doubt that you will ever tax the 300cx to anywhere near its limits unless you room is tremendously large or you wish to become deaf in the next few years. Further, I believe the circuit is not much different between the two amps. That is one very nice amp BTW.
I have only knowledge of the 801N with the FPB650 monos. They are great.

Yes the power difference of an extra 100 watts would be only one dB, BUT..........

The 300Cx is based on the FPB200 and the 400Cx is based on the FPB300. There was/is a considerable quality of sound difference between the FPB200 and the FPB300.

Based on that fact, I would do everything I could to swing for the FPB400Cx.

By the way when I went to actively bi-amping my B&W800's, Dan D'Agostino strongly urged me to go for the FPB300, yet he made no urging for me to go to the 600.)
I have the 300cx driving the 802N. I would first put the extra money into biwiring and then go from there.