Krell FPB 300cx enough to drive B&W Nautilus 801?

I'm about to purchase the Nautilus 801s, along with the Krell FPB 300cx amp. Would there be any significant improvement if I were to get the Krell 400cx instead? I emphasize the word significant, because price is a major issue. I know the 801s need power, so any opinions as to the sufficiency of the 300cx would be much appreciated. Thanks.
Thank you all. Richard (Drrdiamond), I'm alittle confused (and very ignorant). Are you saying D'Agostino encouraged you to go for one stereo amp of 300 watts rather than biamp? Or can you biamp with 2 stereo amps? I thought only monoblocks were used in a biamp scenario. Thanks again.
I auditioned both the 300cx and 400cx in my home system before I bit the bullet and dug deeper to purchase the 400cx. I have Thiel CS6s. The 400cx made an immediate audible improvement in dynamic contrast, air and detail and bass extension and sped with these speakers, which require much current to drive properly. My wife confirmed (thank heaven for small miracles!) The only thing that prevented me from getting a 700cx was simple lack of $$$$$! But I not hesitate if I could swing it.
Stevecham, very compelling! The fact that you directly compared both amps in the same system (something I am not able to do) says a lot. It looks like I will be spending the extra money after all. Thanks for the input.
Liszt458: What may have been necessary for Stevecham with his Thiel CS6's, will not be the same for your B&W Nautilus 801's.

His speakers are very inefficient at 86db and yours are much easier to drive at 91db.

Save the money and buy music.