Preamp for Clayton Audio S40?

I am going to purchase a Clayton Audio S40 amplifier. I am not sure which preamps mate well with it. I would like to hear input from anyone that owns one of these amps. Thanks
You should talk to Duke from Audio Kinesis, he sells Clayton Audio products and is a super nice guy. He has lots of experience with other products and I am sure he can make a suggestion that would work well.
I'm running an S40 with an Audible Illusions L-2. A superb combination. They're driving a pair of Snell Qs (older snell monitor speakers) with a Rel Storm III. The music is there.
No personal experience with the S40 or M100 but did an awful lot of research on them as they were #1 on my list to buy when I was searching for power amps. Their un-availabilty in the used market made me look elsewhere.

You might want to read this article:
Look in the section "Have a Cigar.." where Weaver talks about the various preamps he tried out with the S40.

I have also read that the M100 monos have a 47K Ohm input impedance. Does this mean that the S40 does too? Don't know but it could suggest that Clayton amps have high inp. impedance so mating with a tube amp might not get the best out of them. They might certainly sound very good but you'll never know if you've got the very best out of them.
Here's the other article (on the M100) where some do's & don'ts on preamps is mentioned: