Best Tube Preamp & SS Amp Combos

I am looking for opinions on tube preamps and SS amp combinations. I currently own the Pass X-1 and X-250 SS units. I would be looking to spend $5K - $10K on the combo new or used. I recently heard the Sim Audio W-5 SS amp with the Art Audio new Gill tube preamp and it sounded really nice. I will probably try the Art with my Pass but would like to know what other combinations to consider.

Thanks and Happy Listening.
ARC LS25MII Preamp with Classe CA-300 Amp. Sweet, detailed and slightly warm. Excellent together with enough power for any speaker load.
Sim Audio W-5 matches well with most tube preamps due to its high gain, high input impedance and good voltage sensitivity. You will have a more difficult time (but not impossible) mating the X-250 with a tube preamp because of its gain and input impedance.

I use the Sim Audio W-5 and Supratek Sauvignon.
Reb1208: Thanks for your response. The ARC LS 16 and Marsh A400s seem to be a good combination. Just a taste of tube warmth with all the attributes of an SS amp.