Best Used Solid State Amp for less than $5000?

I'm sort of toying with the idea of upgrading my amp (threshold S300 - I know, its old) and the one amp that jumps out is the pass X250 which seems like it can be had for about $3000 to $3500 on the used market. Is there anything else that comes to mind? I can't afford the Tenor hybrids and even the Lamm SS's are about $7 to $9K. The rest of my system is as follows:

Fanfare FT-1
Parasound Ultra 2000 CD
Nakamichi DR1 deck
Stax Lamda phones
Sota Star table w / emt
Pass Aleph ono phono
Hales T8 loudspeakers

Would appreciate any suggestions you may have.
I am not clear on the preamp in your system. The pre in combination with the amp is very important.
I think he meant CJ PFR (Conrad Johnson PFR) which is quite a good little preamp. Rowland Model 10 would get my vote too although I didn't get to hear it for long. The McIntosh MC352 is excellent as well. Arthur
Thank you for all the wonderful suggestions. It really opened my eyes.

Where am I headed? At this juncture, I'm leaning towards the Spectron although I am also intrigued by the Stellavox (PW1). If anyone has info. on this amp I would appreciate your thoughts.
I own the Ayre V-5x - and I second Noble110's reccomendation, it is a wonderful amp, but you may also want to check out the SimAudio W5. I think both of these amps can be had around $3200 used, purchased new, the W5 is $5k (I think) and the Ayre is $4500. If the Hales are a difficult load, the W5 has a little more punch.