best amp for BASS

My system is in a relatively large room 25x40 with 25ft.ceiling..It is a 5.1 system with meridian 861 and 800.German physics speakers.The Main speakers are Loreley large speakers each having four 12in.woofers.These are bi amped with Xover at 200Hz,with 6db slopes.At present the amps are YBA Passion 1000 mono blocks for the highes(fantastic) and bryston 14bsst for bass.The bass is OK but definitly not great.I would like to augment the bass amp.any ideas?
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Thanks for the inputs.I do use balanced connectors.The bass is very clean not boomey but not powerful.My guess is that having a large room with very few walls(the size was describing floor not the enclosing walls) will require lots of current with fast rise time,and large power supplies.I agree the best approach is auditioning different amps.However this is difficult if you do not want to pay retail and you are buying on audiogon.I did hear the Loreley speaker with Crown amps,definitly inferior to Bryston.I do not like the Krell amps for their highs and mids,but maybe for the bass they will be good what about the FBA600c?
Thanks for the responses.
As mentioned, the sound that you hear will be most influenced by speaker placement and room acoustics. Given the level of gear that you have, i would hope that you've spent some time working with those two subjects prior to investing anything further.

Having said that, look for an amp that has an "old school" iron core transformer ( no toroids ), has "gobs" of filter capacitance and uses what most would consider to be a huge output inductor. Since effective damping factor can be increased by manipulating negative feedback levels, it should be high but you don't have to go crazy with that spec. One can't obtain ultra high damping factors without playing games with figures and circuit designs. My experience is that amps that work fabulously for bass are not necessarily amps that you would want to run full range and vice-versa. Sean
On the used market I would recommend the Parasound HCA-3500 350 WATT/CH dual-mono amp!You can probably find one for around $1,000.00 to $1,100 used. Massive power supply, two huge toroid transformers, two power cords!The best bass I have heard!
Not a big fan of Krell, but the bass on those amplifiers rule no question. We ran a real muddy pair of Kef Reference Model 2's with a small Krell amp. That amp did wonders for the bottom end of a pair of speakers that used a crappy bandpass configuration with very poor bass drivers to begin with.

If money is no object, Ill vote Krell as #1.

A very close 2nd for 100% total bass control would be the Aragon Palladium's(not the 8008BB). For pennies on the dollar your getting 99% of the Krell's bass performance for less to alot less money.

Parasound alos makes SS amps with killer low end punch and detail. Ill put them in the top 5 category.

A few others I think are worth mentioning are Pass Labs and Linn.

Linn makes a killer pair of super efficient monoblocks that are just awesome sounding from top to bottom with no weaknesses.

Pass labs may be the most "refined" sounding of em all, could be a bit too refined for some people though. I have heard a pair of x600's powering a pair of Revel Sub 15's through a custom external xover.The monitors were powered by a pair of MAC 2102 tube monoblocks to a pair of Aerial 5B's. I was completely blown away is all Ill say no matter what disc I put in the CDP(BAT VK-D5). This guy had his room dialed in too. It was awesome.