Help a newbie with low-cost system suggestions


I'm looking to get into the separate world at a low budget. Have done some research and am thinking about a used B&K ST-140. Pre-amp to be determined--do you have a suggestion? Currently I use an old Dyna SCA-35 integrated tube amp, and though I really like the tube sound I think it is a little underpowerd for my BIG (don't have the model number in front of me) set of 70's-era JBL's. Phono stage is important to me (have Planar 3 with high-output MC cart.) So, I'm looking for a low-cost new, or not inordinately difficult to find used pre-amp of good quality. Remote would be a nice plus!

Also, a friend of mine may be selling his Vandersteen 2C's, and I have my eye on them. Is the ST-140 a good match? Have I missed out on some other good idea? Or do I need yet more power?

Does this sound like a good plan? Anything else I should consider? Thanks for your help.
Should you decide to buy the Vandersteen's, you might want to consider the McCormack gear. IMHO, on their own they both represent good values. This is one of those rare cases where the laid back nature of the Vandersteens mated with the some what forward sound of the McCormack amps does actually work synergistcaly. Not my personal choice, but, perhaps the best system value in audio.
Although I have not heard McCormack gear beyond a passing moment at an audio show, I would second Unsound's recommendation on the basis of value.

Putting music aside for a tiny moment, the pleasure of an audio system is in getting great components at bargain prices. McCormack equipment has a good reputation and is neglected in the market. Its price is likely to reflect that neglect. If, on top of that, it has a special synergy with the speakers you are considering, the tip is worth following up.

Klyne preamps are another neglected value, by the way.
Now that Ive gotten my PS Audio 4.5 preamp I can wholeheartedly suggest it. I dont have a TT anymore but the phonostage is supposed to be the best feature along with the passive "straightwire" mode. They can be had for around $200-$300. Check them out, you can always resell them for the same amount and not lose anything. Check my threads for a question about impedance mismatches for a small review with both components. Good Luck!
I would add to the recommendation for McCormack amps w/Vandersteen speakers. The 0.5 represents a real bargin now, if you can swing about $600. I've seen 2c, or cis selling for well under $500. BTW, as a newbie you may not know that the designer of McCormack amps also offers very worthwhile upgrades as SMcAudio, so you've got a built-in path to follow on a budget if you go that route. And DH Labs T-14 speaker cable is another "value" product that works well w/ that set-up.