no-budget preamp?

Here's my situation: I just upgraded my CD player to a nice (albeit still low-end) Arcam. It sounds great when going straight into my tube power amp (a homebuilt job using mostly old Dynaco parts that has its own volume control) and my Spica TC-50 speakers. However, when I run it through the pre-amp section of my seven year old NAD receiver, the signal dirties up, I lose resolution, detail etc.

I want the convenience of the preamp for volume control, remote control, switching between sources, and the power amp does need a little gain on some cd's. But I've got literally no money. I know I have to spend something, but what's the cheapest option for a preamp that won't be a ruinously weak link in an otherwise pretty good sounding system?
Check out Antique Sound Labs LH-01. Remote and tube regulation for $499 brand new.

I haven't heard it but I owned one of their integrateds and heard the tiny 2004 and for the price it is great equipment. Head designer is often on AA too and will answer all your questions. Good luck! Arthur
I'm the initiator of the thready, using my e-mail as i.d. Thanks for the responses. Just to clarify for Dekay, my power amp is a homemade job, but not by me. I'm tempted to try building a preamp, but have zilch experience building anything electronic, and no eqipment. I'm thinking the learning curve might be a little sharp. As someone once said to me about studying caballah: "yes, but after I retire." Am I overstating the difficulty of building something like this?
Some comments on your system: don't get rid of the Spica's, they have drawbacks but can really sing, esp. with the tube amp you have (I imagine). Replace the connectors and internal wire with cardas. I have a pair and got best results with Cardas Golden Hexlink 5 cables (used bought here for $300 or so). I had a Forte 2 preamp, and when I switched to a custom built passive from Savante Audio it made all the differnce.. I highly recommend passives, you will not want to go back to active unless it's a 4K or higher $$ klyne or something like FM acoustics. QED out of England made a $200 or less stock passive that would probably sound good, as the McCormack should too.
The problem you are having is using the preamp section on an old receiver. If you had a good preamp you would not be losing resolution, detail, Yada Yada..

How much is "a little money". Creek makes some small passive volume controls with selector of a couple pieces of gear. Can probably find a used one here or on eBay starting at $100.
In general, a low cost preamp with all of the features that you're seeking will not sound too good. You will probably need to compromise on the remote at minimum, and maybe some inputs, if you want the best sound for a low cost.