best power conditioner for less than 500 buckagroo

Can somebody suggest used power conditioners for < 500 bucks? I would like to use it for Bryston 4BST, Proceed Pre, Jolida CD100. Thanks

I am researching on Richard Grey 400, and Chang Lightspeed 6400. Any other suggestions would be welcomed and appreciated . I would like to get a contioner which will lower the noise floor but not alter my sound. Thanks again.
You might want to consider one of the better offerings of power cords available as "Power Conditioners", if you have not got one already. I have great success with a PS Audio Xstream Statement, less than US$500 and even less used. It has definitely lowered the noise floor, open up the soundstage and has given the music "texture" without sounding harsh.
Good luck.............
You can occasionally find a Tice Powerblock in that range. They are not a good as the latest and greatest highend offerings, but for $500 they are a steal.
I highly recommend an Audioprism Foundation III. You can purchase them used on the 'Gon from time to time for around $350.00.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again (several other Audiogon members have said it before me, that’s where I got the ideas from) Hook up / wire in / whatever it takes an isolation transformer 2.5 – 5 KVA.(Should run between $125-$400).
It will do wonders for your system beyond belief. Purchase used on Ebay.
See my two-channel system as an example of one way to achieve clean power.
Just my opinion.
Best regards...