Amp recommendation for Alon Circe?

Recently upgraded speakers to Alon Circes. 87 db eff, 8 ohm impedence. Currently using Counterpoint SA-20 (200 wpc, hybrid). Musical preference is diverse, including classical, piano, jazz, blues, and rock. Listening room size is 15' x 18', with 8' ceilings. Is anyone running a similar system, and willing to share some lessons? Thanks.
Thank you all for sharing your experiences. One thing I should have mentioned in my original post is that I intend to go with tubes, or possibly another hybrid amp because the Circes were designed with them in mind.
Awdeeofyle - Thank you for the ss suggestions!
Jond and Rcprince - I agree that the Cary 300s are not the best match for these speakers due to their power requirements. VTL is on my short list to audition.

Would the Lamm M1.1 (100 w mono block, hybrid architecture) be an appropriate match?? If so, why?

Again, thanks!
Why would the Lamm be an appropriate match? Because it's better than any of the amps mentioned in this thread, for starters. It has plenty of power, but unlike the ss amps mentioned, it doesn't screw up timbral reproduction. And unlike the whitish, hazy VT200's, the Lamm is essentially transparent. Best of all, as J10 said, "it's got soul, baby."
The Lamms are better than the other amps mentioned, although I'd stretch to get the ML1s (used) if I were going that route. They are superb amplifiers.
Kevinkwann - The Lamms have an extraordinary reputation, but where I live (Seattle), there are no Lamm dealers to arrange an audition. No doubt the Lamm M1.1 (like many other power amps) can drive my Circes satisfactorily. And I value all of the Lamm characteristics you listed. My question is whether anyone has actually listened to the Lamm / Circe combination specifically, and what are their notes from the listening session? Is this specific combination complementary, or not? Two great components don't always make music when combined together, right?
Rcprince - I have read (but unfortunately not auditioned) that the ML-1 is sonically superior to the M1.1, although the differences are subtle (Soundstage review), and naturally dependent upon the load applied. My initial thought was to find a ML-1 to audition with the Circes, but Vladimir advised the M1.1 as a better choice for the Circes. Have you had the opportunity to listen to the ML-1 / Circe combination. If so, what were your impressions? thanks!