Replace amp or speakers ?

Thinking about replacing PS HCA-2 with Rowland 201 monos. Is this a good idea or not ? Should I think about changing speakers instead ? My system is listed, so I'm not typing again.
Kinda like trading in your BMW 525 for a BMW 540i. Which would you rather drive? It won't take you long...the speakers will go next. It's the audio sickness. Chronic, incurable, and a blast. You'll love those Rowlands. peace, warren
Not a very good idea to change the amp if you are going to consider changing the speakers inthe near future. Mating the speakers and amp is critical to getting the sound you want. I have not heard the Rowland monos yet but they are on my list soon as soon as my delaer gets a pair in say January.

Happy Listening.
If I replace the amp, then replacing speakers may not be in near future, could take longer, all depends. I've heard Rowland Concentra II and Model 112 with Audio Physic Virgo's and Cary 306/200 and it was excellent.

Warren, I'm happy with my 330i even though I wish I've a 540i. I'm trying to do a performance upgrade like modifying by Dinan with lot less than buying a 540 or M3.

Have a good day.
Bigkidz, what is the difference if he buys the amp or speakers first? If he gets the amps first, he just has to get speakers that match; the only drawback I suppose is it is harder to bring speakers home.
Rkmca, why do you want to change amps? Is there something the PS Audio is doing, or not doing, that annoys you or otherwise leaves you unsatisfied? From your comments it appears that you haven't even heard the newer Rowlands. Comments by others state that they are very different than either the Concentra II or Model 112. That being the case and considering system synergy as a whole, the new Rowlands may not perform any better than your existing setup even if they are in some absolute sense better amplifiers than the PS Audios.