SAE A502 on the fritz - again. What next?

Have had the 502 since about 1990 and it has served well enough. About 3 years ago one of the channels became fuzzy and I took it for repair. The shop had it for about two months. It came back repaired . . . and a bit shop worn - apparently the shop owner wanted it for his shop system. . .

Anyway, it was repaired and operated flawlessly until this past weekend. Now the other channel is fuzzy. . . . I am not sure I want to spend another $300 to have the amp repaired. Maybe it makes sense to do so and thereby avoid spending two or three times that amount on a new amp.

Let me know your opinions? (If replacement is suggested let me know your replacement amp of choice. Thanks in advance.
Time to switch amps. Depending in your budget, think about integrateds that will suit your speaker efficiency. What is the budget? This is the most important question.
A simple answer: Out with the old and in with the new. Difficult to beat the NAD 320BEE for a low priced decent integrated.
I am definitely looking for a new amp. At the same time, I may consider a speaker change. I have two systems; one in the living room and one upstairs in the office. The living room consists of:
NAD 1600 pre
Adcom 700 CD
SAE 502 Amp
Infinity Overture 2

Office sytem was just built consisting of the following inherited components:
McIntosh 32 Pre
Denon 670 CD
McIntosh 2105 Amp
Infinity bookshelf speakers - unknown model
McIntosh 74 tuner - not yet connected as my source material is primarily CD

So, while I am addressing the malfunctioning SAE amp issue I am also considering moving the larger Infinitys up to the office. My wife is concerned about footprint size and overall appearance. She does not object to the notion of a set of Magnepans but we have not yet audtioned them.

I would like to keep the new amp between $750 and $1,000. No set budget for replacement speakers but probably $1,500 or less.

Further comments and suggestions are welcome